The Power of Asking “What” and “Why” in Relationships

The power of the questions “what” and “why” can clear misunderstandings between people. You see, being able to understand the perspective of another person gets you out of possible fights and arguments. This is also why I hated people who don’t speak out their worries and troubles to the person involved instead, they’d shut their mouth hiding their frustration to you.

One of the funniest situations I’ve been in is when I and my close friend Miguel often gave a joke to each other. One day, he made a statement in a chat (which I don’t have any idea what his expressions were ) saying “You’re so funny Win Sharm”

I cannot completely recall why I felt pissed but I found myself being mad at him because I thought he sees me as a clown or a joke– Only to realize after I asked “What do you mean by that?” that he was pointing out my good sense of humor.

He complimented me for having that. Turns out, I was guilty of misunderstanding him. If I did not bother to ask that question I’d probably be in a fight with him by now.

The bottom line is that we should always never jump into our assumptions and try to ask the other party in the case involved in a disagreement. Open up because no one would understand you unless you say what you feel.

Go and ask “what” and “why” to save your friendships or relationships.

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