
Independent Scout Media Group launches Website

MANILA – The year-old independent Scout Media Group inaugurated a self-funded, self-developed, and self-maintained website on November 15, 2021.

AMAPS President Win Sharm M. Cinco, ESA

In an interview with the Amateur Media Association of Philippine Scouts President Win Sharm Cinco, she said that launching a website is not a new plan at all. “It was part of the #GreaterThings campaign last April 2021 but did not materialize,” Cinco said.

“I saw the potential and the significance of having this website, as the newly-elected leader of this association I immediately asked the help of our team and put it in motion,” she added.

Cinco also said that funding was one of the biggest challenges they faced during the development of the website. As a self-sustaining Scout Media Group without financial support from external entities, they used their own resources to realize this project.

In a Facebook post, the incumbent president thanked all the people behind the successful launch of this project.

“The designing, development, and implementation was never a problem for us. We have a pool of talented and highly-skilled Scouts who share the same passion with the association,” she proudly said when asked about who did the website.

The website is now accessible via www.scoutmediaph.org and contains Scouting news from the local council level up to the national level. Visitors can also read blog entries from the members of this Scout Media Group.

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