
Lipa City Council holds Virtual Jamborette and KABsayahan

The 18th Lipa City Council Scouts Virtual Jamborette and KABsayahan kicked off on November 20, participated by 2,983 Scouts.

Commitment to Excellence for Global Citizenship was the theme for the virtual activity. It aims to show various Scouting skills that are indispensable in running the Scout camp. The activity also wants to encourage camaraderie among Scouts and complete the requirements to advance for higher ranks despite the pandemic. With these, it aims to promote the highest quality of Scouting through the Scout Method.

Screen capture from the event’s Zoom. Contributed Photo/Lipa City Council FB Group

The National Eagle Scout Association of the Philippines-Arsenio Luz Chapter 11 facilitated the opening ceremony.

Lipa City Mayor and Council Scout Chairperson Eric Africa graced the event. Council 1st Vice Chairperson Teodoro Katigbak Jr and Schools Division Superintendent and Council Scout Commissioner Homer Mendoza also joined him. Assistant SDS and Deputy CSC Dr. Catherine Maranan was also present. DBM Usec. Kim Robert De Leon and BSP Chief National Commissioner Cedrick Train were invited as guest speakers.

The first session was with Scout Leader Manolito Medrano’s presentation of the Significance and Symbolism of the Jamborette Flag. It was followed by a discussion about Basic Knots and Lashing by Scout Leader Noe Llanes.

Council Scout Executive Aljon Olivia said that there are more activities to follow on 27-28 November. The KABsayahan is also set to happen on 4-5 December. According to Olivia, the event will be formally closed on 11 December.

The organizers also said that they are conforming to DepEd regulations on screen time of the students. The programs were set to happen only from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm.

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