How to be like BP? 165th Founder’s Day

Robert Baden-Powell, 1st Baron Baden-Powell

Every hero has a story and we as a society must memorialize these stories of bravery, honesty, and humanity as they ought to be remembered. The sad truth of humanity is that we are born and soon after we must then leave this Earth. Because of this, our hearts are engraved with the memories of birth and death.  But it is with great essence that before the month ends, we open our hearts and minds. We must celebrate the greatness and the birth of a wide movement that opened so many doors for a better life.

Lord Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell (BP) was born in Paddington, London. On the very day of February 22, 1857, a new hope was born.

His father was a Church of England priest and a professor at Oxford University. His father died when he was just three years old. All that was left was his mother, Henrietta Grace Smyth, to bring him up and his siblings. He studied at Charterhouse school and considered learning rudimentary Scouting skills. After finishing his studies, he joined the British army as an officer and was assigned to India.

During his time on Mafeking, BP encountered various hardships and struggles. He experienced being short on soldiers. So using his keen eyes, he observed the situation and found out that the youth on that land can be handy. He soon used some boys to aid them. They delivered messages, did errands, and gave first aid on the battlefield.

Inspiring and helping others is instilled in the nature of BP. After serving in the war, his passion for sharing his knowledge and touching the hearts of other people continues. In August 1907, Baden-Powell organized a trial Scouting camp made up of 20 boys to spend a week on Brownsea island, and it proved to be a great success. In that camp, BP taught those boys Scouting skills and ways of living anchored by the Scout oath and law. In January 1908, Baden-Powell published the first edition of “Scouting for Boys”.

From this starting point, the Scouting Movement blossomed. In 1909, the first National Scout Rally at Crystal Palace took place. It was attended by 11,000 boys and illustrated the rapid growth in popularity. The Scouting movement also became an international organization– with Scouting groups forming around the world. After that, in 1920, two years after the end of the First World War, an international Scouting convention was held in Olympia, London, where Baden-Powell was declared Chief Scout.

From that day forward, the spirit of Scouting continued until the present day. Resulting in the birth of big organizations worldwide like the World Organization of the Scouting Movement (WOSM), or the World Scout Bureau in 1920. Even after the death of BP on January 8, 1914, his legacy continues to create doors of opportunities, especially to the youth worldwide, with over 57 million active members according to a report from

Baden-Powell’s achievements and contributions in this world are truly overwhelming, isn’t it?  A question on your mind will surely follow, “How can I be like BP?” But what is the simplest but most effective thing BP did? He inspired so many people through his actions and shared knowledge with others.

Surely not everyone can be a Lieutenant General like him, nor create a new movement that will reach millions of hearts. But anyone can inspire others. Some people are missing the point of being a hero or a legend. It is not how you defend others or sacrifice your life, it is how you do good to others despite the consequences. Wondering what to do? Be a ray of hope in the middle of the dark. Be an advocate of change and of creating a better life. Inspire others through your works and be a model to them. Just like what Baden-Powell did, he created a better future for the next generation by the means of Scouting. So let’s all become like BP! Happy month of the 165th Founders Day!

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