Scouts holding placards with calls to end Gender-Based Violence

Scout Media Group leads Scouts’ Fight to End Gender-Based Violence Online

NEGROS OCCIDENTAL, Philippines — The Amateur Media Association of Philippine Scouts lead an online awareness campaign to End Gender-Based Violence from November 25 – December 10, 2021.

The independent Scout media group successfully launched an online awareness campaign against violence resulting from gender discrimination. On November 23, the media association said in a post that they join the plight of millions of people around the world for gender equality. Further, they call for the passage of the SOGIE Equality Bill. SOGIE stands for Sex Orientation, Gender Identity or Expression.

“[We join] the United Nations’ 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence with the theme, Orange the world: End violence against women now!” they said in the post. At the same time, they changed the profile pictures of their social media accounts into an orange version of their logo together with the #OrangeTheWorld logo of the UN Women.

“In AMAPS, we firmly state that there is NO EXCUSE FOR ABUSE. We join the call to pass the #SOGIEEqualityBill,” they expressed.

The group then published 16 photos with different calls aligned with their advocacy. Each day, one photo was posted with an explanation of why should the Scouts, the youth, and other people join the women and LGBTQI sector in fighting against abuse.

Scouts from different parts of the Philippines, as well members of the prestigious Ten Outstanding Boy Scouts of the Philippines Association join their campaign. The participation of different individuals coming from diverse backgrounds made the campaign more successful according to AMAPS President Win Sharm Cinco.

“Our campaigns for the past couple of weeks have always been consistent. It promotes inclusivity and diversity. This is what we are envisioning. A united Scouting community through diversity,” Cinco said in an interview. She also added that a united Scouting community will reach greater heights, and will succeed in advancing its promotion of non-formal education for life through Scouting.

“I certainly believe that while working as one, we can achieve almost anything. Thus, if we work together to end violence against women, children, and members of the LGBT community through campaigns and tireless persuasion— standing and speaking up for equal rights and even the basic decency to treat other people with respect, then we may be able to inspire and urge other people to do the same,” she added.

The association President also said that the commitment of the Amateur Media Association of Philippine Scouts to fight gender-based violence will not end here. They will convert their 16 days campaign to 365 days of action according to Cinco.

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