Abandoning a crappy belief: One step ahead to a more open-minded future

As a woman who grew up in a patriarchal-traditionalist family, I was raised to believe that women are only meant for house chores and taking care of their families. That men are the only ones who can provide and they’re the only ones who need support for their careers. At the age of 26 if a woman is still unmarried –she’d probably have no husband. At the age of 30, it is expected of women to bear kids. – it was like, the future set for women is nothing but family.

I hate to disagree with my parents, but I came to change this belief when I started Junior High School. When I started to discover that I have so much potential than the boys in the school – or I can do the same thing as them.

I started to question myself and the people around me, “Is this the only path I can take?”

As soon as I got into high school I searched and look for real women inside big careers. As I read articles from articles, I found myself mesmerized by the achievements women made in the past century. The urge to resist the twisted belief of my traditionalist family just got bigger.

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